Friday, January 27, 2023

 wowzer bowzer

It's been six years since my last post...My life is nothing like it was. I am the same person only nothing like my former self.

This photo is of my Uncle Jay and my Mother Tressa. 
They have both passed away since my last post. This photo was taken at my oldest brother's wedding.
there's too much to unpack here...maybe with time.
I'll now be posting on a regular basis now that I have a laptop and reset my be on the lookout.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Great Blue Herons...They're baaaack!

The Great Blue Herons have been building their nests for the last week and a half. This nesting location is in Norman, OK. It's on Franklin Rd (looking south) between 12th and 24th Ave NE. The nesting site follows a nesting area.  
The males gather the sticks and bring them to the waiting females. The females build the nests, after the larger sticks are in place and the basic nest is built, it is lined with smaller sticks, dried grasses and other soft materials. It's amazing to watch this event. Some of the reasons this is perfect nesting site... the creek, farmland, and open fields. They have an abundant supply of fish, reptiles, small mammals, insects, and other yummy treats.
You might be able to see a heron sitting on a nest in this photo.
Each nest has a female or male on it, the eggs have been laid. Both the males and female take turns sitting on the eggs. The female are on the nest during the night and during the day as well.. Once laid, the eggs (2-6) will be incubated around 30 days. The eggs are pale blue when laid and fade a bit as time passes.
The Great Blue Herons have 1 to 2 broods per year. This nesting site is noticeably smaller this year. There is less the a dozen nest so far, I'm not sure why? There could be a half a dozen reasons. I'm just excited they are still using this nesting site.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Cedar Waxwing

I saw this Cedar Waxwing on the ground. I thought perhaps it was drunk. In spring Waxwings that eat fermented fruit become drunk. Though it sounds funny, this is often the time when these birds are most in danger. Predators and accidents happen when they eat to many of these berries.
After closer examination I saw that it's wing was hurt. We gathered it up in a plastic box and took it to WildCare in Noble OK. They rehabilitate injured native birds and wildlife. I hope they were able to help it.
Here is more information about WildCare:
Center Hours of Operation are 9am to 7pm every day.
WildCare picks up wildlife from the OKC shelter daily at 4pm.

By phone:
By E-mail:
On Facebook:
By Mail: 7601 84th St, Noble, OK 73068

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Time flies!

Time flies and we are left to wonder where it went! I ended one job and started another! Life is soooo much better now. I landed this job before I ended my old one. I quit on my terms and left my boss running after me calling my name. It was sweet! 
I now work in an office supply store. It is down town and a pretty sweet job. These are some of the pens we have. I knew nothing about them and now... I know a bit more. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Poe boy

It's been a loooong time since my last past! It's a new year.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Almost time for the fall garden

On Sunday I am going to pull out all the old tomato plants and plant my fall garden. I always find it so hard to pull the plants out. It's like I am giving up on these plants. I have noticed that the skin on the tomatoes are getting tough...a sure sign of long hot days. It was 99 degrees today, heck it might as well have been 105 degrees. We really did have a mild summer so I really should not complain too much. My sweet potatoes should be ready to start digging...I have not even poked around to see the size of the potatoes. I have regular potatoes growing as well....but it will be awhile before they are ready. I planted a squash a week and half ago...It's doing well. I harvested all the watermelons and is it time to start mowing where they were growing. All and all it has bee a great garden far. I'll keep you updated on the fall garden.